Sunday, May 10, 2009


Thank goodness that it was just our MINI that was broken. It could have been much worse! It could have been devastating. Thank goodness that the MINI Cooper S is a very well-built car!

The Sports Fan was in the hospital for four days and has casts on three limbs. We couldn't count all the cuts, bruises, abrasions, and contusions. They can't put a cast on his sternum. Well, I guess that they could but it wouldn't help it heal any faster and it would just make him even more miserable.

We haven't seen the car yet. I want to but I dread it. I dread getting a new MINI when we loved that one so much. So right now our newest car is my 11 year old Jeepy. In honor of becoming the main family vehicle, Jeepy had his passenger door lock remote and window fixed as well as his air conditioning.

The next four to six weeks might be a challenge. I hope I'm up to it! Keep your fingers crossed for me and send me some good karma, would you?

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