Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Stuff That Ticks Me Off... As If You Cared!

Stuff that really just pisses me off:
  1. People who let their kids misbehave and inconvenience or annoy me.
  2. People who misbehave and inconvenience or annoy me themselves!
  3. When people post to groups telling everyone to go read their blog. I don't know anyone who has good traffic who does this. It's like begging to be popular or trying to be cool. If you have to beg, order, plead, ask, or try to be, you aren't. It's that simple. Note that it is different to discuss something in an email group and then mention that you have more about it on your blog then put the address in your sig. Or to just always have the address in your sig.
  4. When people post to their groups ONLY to say that they've updated their blog. There are at least half a dozen different ways for people who care to find this out. Instead of taking advantage of your group to advertise, try posting something interesting and having your blog address in your sig. Like be an interesting member of the group if you want people to be interested in you. Sheesh.

I think that's it for now. Sure, lots of things piss me off and annoy me. But these are the big ones at the moment. I'll be back to normal now that I've got this off my chest.

Thanks for sticking with me, my lovelies. ;-))


Blogger ANNA said...


Tuesday, March 31, 2009 11:19:00 AM MST  
Blogger Jackie said...

Wow! I'm glad you've got the blog to offload! someone could get hurt!

Thursday, April 2, 2009 2:28:00 PM MST  

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