Thursday, August 2, 2007

Slaving Away!

Can you call it that if you like it??? Yeah, I think you can. It shows the level of intensity.

Finally, my lovelies, I find myself at a computer with an internet connection and a few minutes to post a bit. I have been quite frantically trying to keep any number of balls up in the air since my last post which was three whole weeks ago. I know!

All my plotting and planning came to nought (or is that naught???) and all my projects that had been spread out before me at the beginning of the year like one long stretch of dominoes waiting for me to flick the first one and start off the whole year's plan sort of bunched up on me and everything has had to happen in the last month.

In ten minutes time, I will have officially missed the post office's hours again and therefore still have a couple of books from each of the two art swaps I hosted, Baby, You Can Drive My Car! on BookArtz and the Charming Chunky Favorite Techniques chunky book swap on ArtUnraveled, two of my favorite Yahoo groups. One from each group does go to the same person, my new good friend, Sue in London (yes, in England, the England, the one in the UK!), whose generosity is only exceeded by her talent and her willingness to slog away at the most intricate pages.

But there are two more really beautiful chunky books in the world, now! More pics later, my lovelies! Art Unraveled starts on Sunday!


Blogger Jill said...

Oooh! Looks lovely!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007 8:57:00 PM MST  

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